“You a nice person”

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make your day. And ever since becoming a dad, I’ve found that it’s often the smallest of gestures, of words that make it so.

As a child’s ability to speak grows and their vocabulary expands, sometimes the words coming out don’t always make sense, or require the need for a parent to translate to others what those words are.

Other times it can be as clear as day and out of the blue.

And it can make your day.

This morning we were driving along on a dark Fall day, when out of the blue, a handful of words came from the back seat and changed the tone of everything.

“Dada, you a nice person.”

That one comment was all it took to put me on Cloud Nine.

Sometimes, that’s all it takes.

“Thanks, buddy. You’re a nice person too.”

Published by thedorkydaddy

So many people say they want to be "the cool parents," but I have no such delusions about myself. I'm as nerdy now as I always have been. Only my perspective has changed. I am what I am. I'm the dorky daddy.

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