Elementary, dear Muppets – Time to bring Sherlock Hemlock out of retirement!

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Sesame Street, nor a little known fact that I love the BBC/PBS series “Sherlock,” so I definitely was all smiles when PBS put out this image and caption today for us to ‘stay tuned.’

Cumberbatch Count
Surprise! Benedict Cumberbatch sheds the serious Sherlock to share some laughs with these two friends from Sesame Street – stay tuned for more! #Counterbatch

With that said, I will say that I have been pestering Sesame Street via Twitter in the hopes that the popularity of Sherlock on the BBC and PBS will lead to them pulling Sherlock Hemlock out of Muppet retirement.

Sherlock Hemlock and Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes. Too good a team to come true?
Sherlock Hemlock and Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes. Too good a team to come true?

He was on quite a bit when I was a kid (or at least I remember him quite vividly as a kid, even is his skits weren’t that numerous) but has been phased out over the years in favor of more popular Muppets. It just seems like the time is right.

What do you think? Can we get #Hemlock trending?

Published by thedorkydaddy

So many people say they want to be "the cool parents," but I have no such delusions about myself. I'm as nerdy now as I always have been. Only my perspective has changed. I am what I am. I'm the dorky daddy.

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