“Father’s Day with Thomas the Tank Engine” OR “Sir Topham Hatt is very cross with you”

What? No blog entry on Father’s Day? You’re a dad blogger for crying out loud! There’s a very simple reason I am blogging about Father’s Day today and not yesterday. I was too busy enjoying it. Father’s Day was an absolute delight for me. I got up and Meg had made a wonderful breakfast forContinue reading ““Father’s Day with Thomas the Tank Engine” OR “Sir Topham Hatt is very cross with you””

Day in the Life – a photo essay

Whether they know it or not, everyone has a story to tell. However, some folks never tell their stories because they think they have nothing to say – that their life is too boring. It’s with that in mind, that I set out to create a photo essay that took something routine and mundane –Continue reading “Day in the Life – a photo essay”

The Zen of Shaving

One of the finest Christmas presents I’ve ever received in my adult life was a few years ago when my wife gave me my very own shaving kit that she assembled. There were no cheap, disposable razors in here. No, no. In the set was a nice, chrome stand that held a badger-hair shaving brushContinue reading “The Zen of Shaving”

Deep dish pizza, bathroom diaper changes and egg on my face

I took my son out to dinner recently, just he and I. My wife had the opening night of her recent play and he and I were having a guys’ night out. Partly, I did this as a bit of a test, to see how both he and I did on our own without mommyContinue reading “Deep dish pizza, bathroom diaper changes and egg on my face”

Whose success are we working toward?

The other day I was in the car and flipping through radio stations when I came across a program where a Brit and an American were talking about the term ‘success.’ At one point, the Brit talked about how the perception of what success is, is vastly different in America than in some other countries.Continue reading “Whose success are we working toward?”

Take a look, it’s in a book

We all want to know what’s going on inside the minds of our little ones, I’m sure. Lately, though, I have been especially curious when it comes to the look on our little guy’s face as he flips through books. I know I write a lot about (perhaps ad nauseam) how important our nightly routineContinue reading “Take a look, it’s in a book”

First Father’s Day

It’s been a pretty cool first Father’s Day weekend. Yesterday, Meg and I took the little guy to a public market (sort of like a farmer’s market, but with additional things like crafts and other vendors alongside the farm stands). and since it’s held outside in the courtyard of a train station, we got toContinue reading “First Father’s Day”

How can something like this happen?

I’ve mentioned previously here and there that I work in a newsroom by day. That can have some pretty high-energy days, but can certainly have some depressing ones based on the content. This is what awaited me at my day job Wednesday. As I had to read the words of this story during a newscast,Continue reading “How can something like this happen?”