The mecca of Mo

We have been to the mecca – the mecca of Mo, at least. This summer, we were visiting friends in Massachusetts (for a baby shower of their own little guy) and were just a stone’s throw away from The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. With some careful planning (and some early departure timeContinue reading “The mecca of Mo”

I’m sending this note…to the future!

Sometimes I do something that just pleasantly surprises me when I come across it later (as opposed to the things where I later ask ‘why in the world did i do that?!’) In September, I took our air conditioners out of the windows. While one is small, the one for our downstairs is rather largeContinue reading “I’m sending this note…to the future!”

Feels like the first time

Remember your first? No, no, no. I don’t mean that. (Get your mind out of the gutter.) I mean many moons before that, when some of you picked up your first comic book to give it a read. Chances are that if you’re like me, it stuck and you’ve been reading them ever since. EveryoneContinue reading “Feels like the first time”

“We thought we had lost him”

It all happened a week ago today. I don’t think Meg or I have ever had moments as terrifying as the ones we experienced last week. I don’t know how more bluntly I could put it other than, we thought our little man had left us. For me, it was Friday night and I hadContinue reading ““We thought we had lost him””

Take a look, it’s in a book

We all want to know what’s going on inside the minds of our little ones, I’m sure. Lately, though, I have been especially curious when it comes to the look on our little guy’s face as he flips through books. I know I write a lot about (perhaps ad nauseam) how important our nightly routineContinue reading “Take a look, it’s in a book”

For the love of Mo!

Storytime has pretty much become ritual in our house. Aside from dinnertime and bath time, it’s the other consistent that’s needed for a complete wrap-up of our day. We started very early reading to the little guy (in utero) and have carried it over practically every night since. In fact, we’re now at a pointContinue reading “For the love of Mo!”

Screen Fatigue or ‘Thoreau would be spinning in his grave’

Do you ever have to just push out the chair and leave cyberspace behind? Lately I’ve been frequently experiencing something that I can only describe as ‘screen fatigue.’ I lose chunks of time on the computer, sometimes feel as though I’ve got nothing done in that time, and I also start to feel almost physicallyContinue reading “Screen Fatigue or ‘Thoreau would be spinning in his grave’”

No use crying over spilled…juice?

Going out to eat can sometimes be a three-ring circus with a nearly one year old in tow. We especially learned that this last weekend when we tried to do dinner at a restaurant we had gone to a few times in the past with the little one. While he has often been great whileContinue reading “No use crying over spilled…juice?”